Oppose and secure the rejection of the application to infill Woodhill Sandpit …

… because of its adverse impacts on the community and the overall environment

Please continue to object

The proposed development site is located on land at Woodhill Sandpit.

If you drive along Farley Heath Road from Farley Green towards Woodhill and Shamley Green, go past Farley Heath (Roman Temple location) and just before you drop down the hill at Kilnhanger the sandpit is on the right. The location has become even more visible since the over sized building was built, approved under a separate application with GBC, over the past 12 months.

“The Surrey Hills is a nationally designated landscape whose distinctive character and natural beauty is so precious that it is safeguarded in the national interest.”

Surrey County Council Website

“The Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) is one of 36 nationally protected landscapes in England, having equal landscape status and protection to a National Park. All public bodies have a 'statutory duty of regard' to protect and enhance the natural beauty of the Surrey Hills landscape.

A key landscape feature of the Surrey Hills is the network of winding, narrow, secluded lanes, often with high banks and hedgerows, connecting villages and hamlets. These lanes are often rich in history reflecting centuries of human use and still retain much of their traditional charm.”

Surrey Hills AONB Website

The banks are already damaged by lorries. We do not need more HGVs to further damage the banks

Together we have a stronger voice.

A new planning application is being considered to infill the Woodhill Sandpit (Surrey 2021/0150). Whilst some may argue with the value or the reason for infill - the primary issues as identified in the Community Meeting on 5 August in Albury Village Hall are the IMPLICATIONS to the local and visiting communities.

In summary, infill will be undertaken through the transport of inert waste materials to the sandpit largely via Newlands Corner, New Road and along Farley Heath Road. Of course, to arrive at that stretch of road, the trucks will be travelling along the surrounding highways and byways meaning that many more villages will be affected.

The materials will be transported by

  • 20 tonne HGV tipper trucks ( 32 tonne fully loaded)

  • on average 22 journeys per day, meaning 44 journeys back and forth

  • 6 days a week

  • for at least 4 years

Note - You will need to accept the terms to get to the application

We need you to object

We have explained the steps you need to take in order to object and given you some parameters to help you write your own objection

What happens when drivers rely on SatNav?

The driver of this lorry was very apologetic when asked if he was lost. He said his SatNav had taken him up Shophouse Lane (Farley Green) to get to Cranleigh.

An HGV navigating its way down Brook Lane to get to New Road and up to Farley Green.

Brook Lane is 2.7m wide. An 8 wheeler HGV is 2.74m wide. No room for passing cars or other HGVs.

Brook Lane is the only alternative road to use if New Road is closed.

There are already too many HGVs and over sized vehicles blocking lanes across the Surrey Hills.

Object NOW before we get another (minimum) 44 HGVs each day for 4 years.

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